In the modern business environment, the copier is the hub of activity that touches the lives of everyone in the office. Nowadays, copiers don’t just make copies. They can fax, collate, staple, scan, and perform any number of other valuable functions that can improve productivity, streamline workflow, and give you years of reliable service. However, even the most trustworthy office copier will eventually see its sunset because of obsolescence caused by the rapid advance of technology or failing parts and increasing repair bills.
But how do you know when to repair or replace your copier in Anchorage, AK? Fortunately, there are a few signs that can tell you that maintaining your copier amounts to a lost cause not worth fighting. Given the cost of replacing a top-quality office copier, the decision to repair or replace can be monumental, as it can impact your bottom line and affect your technology budget significantly. Read on to learn about a few concrete signs that it’s time to retire your once-reliable office copier.
Increased Obsolescence
Even if your copier is still performing well, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s not time to consider upgrading your office machine. In the world of technology, advances are made at a breakneck pace, and every new model year sees an increase in helpful features and copier capabilities that can help make your office run more smoothly and efficiently. If your 10-year-old copier seems to be falling behind the times and the features on new models would positively impact your productivity, then it may be time to investigate a new office copier even before your old one ceases operation.
Poor Performance
As is the case with any mechanical device, your copier was designed and constructed with a specific service life in mind. There is room for that effective lifespan to vary somewhat, but over time you can expect the performance of your office copier to erode no matter how well it’s maintained. As your machine becomes less efficient, you’re like to see associated costs begin to creep up, such as toner costs and power usage.
Repair bills and maintenance costs will also mount as your copier ages. Those additional costs will offset any savings you may think you’re realizing by clinging to your old copier, so it’s worthwhile to upgrade. You’ll get better performance, improved performance, and lower maintenance costs with a more modern office copier.

Difficult-to-Find Parts and Supplies
Another sign that it may be time for a newer office copier is that when repairs are needed, it’s difficult to find the proper parts because of the age of your machine. There are thousands of models of copiers that have been manufactured in the last 20 years. Stocking individual parts for each model simply isn’t feasible, so most parts supplier keep a few samples of a few parts for a handful of the most prolific machines in the market.
Therefore, the older your machine gets, the less likely you are to find the proper parts to make repairs. Even if you do find them, they’ll command a premium price because of their scarcity. Therefore, if it’s getting more difficult to find the proper parts for your office copier, it may be a good time to update your tech with a machine that is more current and mainstream.
While most businesses want to get the maximum lifespan from their office copiers, there comes a time when an archaic machine can negatively impact productivity and cause unnecessary logistical issues. If your office copier is showing any of the signs listed above, consult with a copier professional to assess your options. To learn more about the signs that it’s time to replace your office copier, contact Arctic Office Products at (907) 276-2322.